Archive for Whistleblower Complaints

Employee Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Snap

A follow up on the employee whistleblower lawsuit against Snap. Snap responded to the employee’s complaint with a request to the judge to send the matter into arbitration. If the request is granted, Snap will fight the claim in a private forum away from the public eye. A well-written arbitration clause is a powerful tool for an employer fighting an employee’s allegations. But, these clauses are strictly enforced in California and must be fairly applied to employees.

Whistleblower Complaints by Terminated Executives is a Significant Source of Liability for Employers

Whistleblower complaints by terminated executives continue to be a significant source of liability for employers. Chicago State University just settled claims that it retaliated against its former CFO for $1.3 million. The University allegedly terminated the CFO for reporting wrongdoing by the CEO. Employers of all sizes must have policies in place to address whistleblower complaints and must refrain from retaliating against employees for legitimate whistleblower activity.

Read more about this story here.